Dialogue meaning in Hindi

Dialogue is a english word.

Dialogue Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dialogue = बातचीत

    • Usage: To resolve the present crisi the Company manager has finally decided to have a dialogue with the labour leaders.
    • Usage:

Dialogue Meaning in Detail

  • dialogue (noun) = a conversation between two persons

    Synonyms: dialogue, dialog, duologue

  • dialogue (noun) = the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction

    Synonyms: dialogue, dialog

  • dialogue (noun) = a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people

    Synonyms: dialogue, dialog

    • Usage: he has read Plato's Dialogues in the original Greek
  • dialogue (noun) = a discussion intended to produce an agreement

    Synonyms: negotiation, dialogue, talks

    • Usage: the buyout negotiation lasted several days
    • Usage: they disagreed but kept an open dialogue
    • Usage: talks between Israelis and Palestinians
  • Other words to learn

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