Diffusion meaning in Hindi

Diffusion is a english word.

Diffusion Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • diffusion = फैलाव

    • Usage: There has been diffusion of tension along the border in the past few months.

Diffusion Meaning in Detail

  • diffusion (noun) = (physics) the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration

    Synonyms: diffusion

  • diffusion (noun) = the spread of social institutions (and myths and skills) from one society to another

    Synonyms: diffusion

  • diffusion (noun) = the property of being diffused or dispersed

    Synonyms: dissemination, diffusion

  • diffusion (noun) = the act of dispersing or diffusing something

    Synonyms: dispersion, dispersal, dissemination, diffusion

    • Usage: the dispersion of the troops
    • Usage: the diffusion of knowledge
  • Other words to learn

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