Dissimilar meaning in Hindi

Dissimilar is a english word.

Dissimilar Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dissimilar = असदृश

    • Usage: A group of very dissimilar people live in the same colony.

Dissimilar Meaning in Detail

  • dissimilar (adj) = not similar

    Synonyms: dissimilar

    • Usage: a group of very dissimilar people
    • Usage: a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm
    • Usage: their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own
    • Usage: took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem
  • dissimilar (adj) = not alike or similar

    Synonyms: unalike, dissimilar

    • Usage: as unalike as two people could be
  • dissimilar (adj) = marked by dissimilarity

    Synonyms: unlike, dissimilar, different

    • Usage: for twins they are very unlike
    • Usage: people are profoundly different
  • Other words to learn

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