Disturbance meaning in Hindi

Disturbance is a english word.

Disturbance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • disturbance = उपद्रव

    • Usage: He looked around for the source of the disturbance
  • disturbance = विघ्न

    • Usage: They were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused
  • disturbance = घबराहट

    • Usage: There was too much anger and disturbance

Disturbance Meaning in Detail

  • disturbance (noun) = activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption

    Synonyms: perturbation, disturbance

    • Usage: the term `distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset
    • Usage: he looked around for the source of the disturbance
    • Usage: there was a disturbance of neural function
  • disturbance (noun) = an unhappy and worried mental state

    Synonyms: disturbance, perturbation, upset

    • Usage: there was too much anger and disturbance
    • Usage: she didn't realize the upset she caused me
  • disturbance (noun) = a disorderly outburst or tumult

    Synonyms: disturbance, disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly_burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle

    • Usage: they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused
  • disturbance (noun) = a noisy fight

    Synonyms: affray, disturbance, fray, ruffle

  • disturbance (noun) = the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion

    Synonyms: disturbance

  • disturbance (noun) = (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness

    Synonyms: mental_disorder, mental_disturbance, disturbance, psychological_disorder, folie

  • disturbance (noun) = electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication

    Synonyms: noise, interference, disturbance

  • Other words to learn

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