Draught meaning in Hindi

Draught is a english word.

Draught Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • draught = घूँट

    • Usage: She emptied her cup of milk in one long draught.
  • draught = झोंका

    • Usage: Open all the windows and let the cool draught come in.
  • draught = खुराक़

    • Usage: The doctor has given her sleeping draught.

Draught Meaning in Detail

  • draught (noun) = a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg

    Synonyms: draft, draught, potation, tipple

    • Usage: they served beer on draft
  • draught (noun) = a large and hurried swallow

    Synonyms: gulp, draft, draught, swig

    • Usage: he finished it at a single gulp
  • draught (noun) = a current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)

    Synonyms: draft, draught

  • draught (noun) = the depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded)

    Synonyms: draft, draught

  • draught (noun) = a dose of liquid medicine

    Synonyms: draft, draught

    • Usage: he took a sleeping draft
  • draught (noun) = the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling

    Synonyms: draft, draught, drawing

  • draught (verb) = make a blueprint of

    Synonyms: blueprint, draft, draught

  • Other words to learn

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