Drink meaning in Hindi

Drink is a english word.

Drink Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • drink = पेय या शरबत

    • Usage: We can not live without food and drink.
    • Usage: Bottled drinks are not good for health.
  • drink = शराब

    • Usage: Please make the drink for the guests.
  • drink = पी

  • drink = पीना/पान करना

    • Usage: Why don't you drink a glass of water after food.
  • drink = मदिरा पान करना

    • Usage: Though he is an army officer but never drinks.
    • Usage: He drank away his all inheritance.
    • Usage: They are drinking themselves to death.

Drink Meaning in Detail

  • drink (noun) = a single serving of a beverage

    Synonyms: drink

    • Usage: I asked for a hot drink
    • Usage: likes a drink before dinner
  • drink (noun) = the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess

    Synonyms: drink, drinking, boozing, drunkenness, crapulence

    • Usage: drink was his downfall
  • drink (noun) = any liquid suitable for drinking

    Synonyms: beverage, drink, drinkable, potable

    • Usage: may I take your beverage order?
  • drink (noun) = any large deep body of water

    Synonyms: drink

    • Usage: he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued
  • drink (noun) = the act of swallowing

    Synonyms: swallow, drink, deglutition

    • Usage: one swallow of the liquid was enough
    • Usage: he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips
  • drink (verb) = take in liquids

    Synonyms: drink, imbibe

    • Usage: The patient must drink several liters each day
    • Usage: The children like to drink soda
  • drink (verb) = consume alcohol

    Synonyms: drink, booze, fuddle

    • Usage: We were up drinking all night
  • drink (verb) = propose a toast to

    Synonyms: toast, drink, pledge, salute, wassail

    • Usage: Let us toast the birthday girl!
    • Usage: Let's drink to the New Year
  • drink (verb) = be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to

    Synonyms: drink_in, drink

    • Usage: The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage
  • drink (verb) = drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic

    Synonyms: drink, tope

    • Usage: The husband drinks and beats his wife
  • Other words to learn

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