Duel meaning in Hindi

Duel is a english word.

Duel Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • duel = द्वंद युद्ध

  • duel = द्वंद युद्ध करना

    • Usage: In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters

Duel Meaning in Detail

  • duel (noun) = a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor

    Synonyms: duel, affaire_d'honneur

  • duel (noun) = any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups)

    Synonyms: duel

  • duel (verb) = fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman

    Synonyms: duel

    • Usage: In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters
  • Other words to learn

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