Elevate meaning in Hindi

Elevate is a english word.

Elevate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • elevate = ऊचाँ उठाना

    • Usage: The captain was elevated to the rank of a colonel.
  • elevate = उठाना{स्तर}

    • Usage: The teacher elevates the minds of the young students.

Elevate Meaning in Detail

  • elevate (verb) = give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

    Synonyms: promote, upgrade, advance, kick_upstairs, raise, elevate

    • Usage: John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired
    • Usage: Women tend not to advance in the major law firms
    • Usage: I got promoted after many years of hard work
  • elevate (verb) = raise from a lower to a higher position

    Synonyms: raise, lift, elevate, get_up, bring_up

    • Usage: Raise your hands
    • Usage: Lift a load
  • elevate (verb) = raise in rank or condition

    Synonyms: lift, raise, elevate

    • Usage: The new law lifted many people from poverty
  • Other words to learn

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