Elude meaning in Hindi

Elude is a english word.

Elude Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • elude = हाथ न आना/धोखा देकर निकल जाना/दृष्टि बचाकर चला जाना

    • Usage: The success eludes him everytime.

Elude Meaning in Detail

  • elude (verb) = escape, either physically or mentally

    Synonyms: elude, evade, bilk

    • Usage: The thief eluded the police
    • Usage: This difficult idea seems to evade her
    • Usage: The event evades explanation
  • elude (verb) = be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by

    Synonyms: elude, escape

    • Usage: What you are seeing in him eludes me
  • elude (verb) = avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

    Synonyms: hedge, fudge, evade, put_off, circumvent, parry, elude, skirt, dodge, duck, sidestep

    • Usage: He dodged the issue
    • Usage: she skirted the problem
    • Usage: They tend to evade their responsibilities
    • Usage: he evaded the questions skillfully
  • Other words to learn

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