Employ meaning in Hindi

Employ is a english word.

Employ Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • employ = रोज़गार दे

  • employ = काम पर लगा

    • Usage: She is employed as a shop assistant.

Employ Meaning in Detail

  • employ (noun) = the state of being employed or having a job

    Synonyms: employment, employ

    • Usage: they are looking for employment
    • Usage: he was in the employ of the city
  • employ (verb) = put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose

    Synonyms: use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ

    • Usage: use your head!
    • Usage: we only use Spanish at home
    • Usage: I can't use this tool
    • Usage: Apply a magnetic field here
    • Usage: This thinking was applied to many projects
    • Usage: How do you utilize this tool?
    • Usage: I apply this rule to get good results
    • Usage: use the plastic bags to store the food
    • Usage: He doesn't know how to use a computer
  • employ (verb) = engage or hire for work

    Synonyms: hire, engage, employ

    • Usage: They hired two new secretaries in the department
    • Usage: How many people has she employed?
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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