Endowment meaning in Hindi

Endowment is a english word.

Endowment Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • endowment = वृत्तिदान

    • Usage: He offered endowments to the temple.

Endowment Meaning in Detail

  • endowment (noun) = natural abilities or qualities

    Synonyms: endowment, gift, talent, natural_endowment

  • endowment (noun) = the capital that provides income for an institution

    Synonyms: endowment, endowment_fund

  • endowment (noun) = the act of endowing with a permanent source of income

    Synonyms: endowment

    • Usage: his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time
  • Other words to learn

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