Entail meaning in Hindi

Entail is a english word.

Entail Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • entail = अपेक्षा करना

    • Usage: What does this move entail?
  • entail = आवश्यक बना देना

    • Usage: Success in any sphere of life entails hardwork.

Entail Meaning in Detail

  • entail (noun) = land received by fee tail

    Synonyms: entail

  • entail (noun) = the act of entailing property; the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple

    Synonyms: entail

  • entail (verb) = have as a logical consequence

    Synonyms: entail, imply, mean

    • Usage: The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers
  • entail (verb) = impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result

    Synonyms: entail, implicate

    • Usage: What does this move entail?
  • entail (verb) = limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs

    Synonyms: fee-tail, entail

  • Other words to learn

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