Envelope meaning in Hindi

Envelope is a english word.

Envelope Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • envelope = लिफ़ाफ़ा

    • Usage: I received an unstamped envelope.
    • Usage: The forgot to put stamps on envelop before posting it.

Envelope Meaning in Detail

  • envelope (noun) = a flat (usually rectangular) container for a letter, thin package, etc.

    Synonyms: envelope

  • envelope (noun) = any wrapper or covering

    Synonyms: envelope

  • envelope (noun) = a curve that is tangent to each of a family of curves

    Synonyms: envelope

  • envelope (noun) = a natural covering (as by a fluid)

    Synonyms: envelope

    • Usage: the spacecraft detected an envelope of gas around the comet
  • envelope (noun) = the maximum operating capability of a system (especially an aircraft)

    Synonyms: envelope

    • Usage: test pilots try to push the envelope
  • envelope (noun) = the bag containing the gas in a balloon

    Synonyms: envelope, gasbag

  • Other words to learn

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