Equatorial meaning in Hindi

Equatorial is a english word.

Equatorial Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • equatorial = भूमध्य

    • Usage: Frequent showers is a typical characteristic of equatorial climate.

Equatorial Meaning in Detail

  • equatorial (noun) = a telescope whose mounting has only two axes of motion, one parallel to the Earth's axis and the other one at right angles to it

    Synonyms: equatorial

  • equatorial (adj) = of or relating to or at an equator

    Synonyms: equatorial

    • Usage: equatorial diameter
  • equatorial (adj) = of or relating to conditions at the geographical equator

    Synonyms: equatorial

    • Usage: equatorial heat
  • equatorial (adj) = of or existing at or near the geographic equator

    Synonyms: equatorial

    • Usage: equatorial Africa
  • Other words to learn

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