Evenings meaning in Hindi

Evenings is a english word.

Evenings Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • evenings = हर शाम मे

    • Usage: Evenings she goes to the market.

Evenings Meaning in Detail

  • evenings (noun) = the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall)

    Synonyms: evening, eve, even, eventide

    • Usage: he enjoyed the evening light across the lake
  • evenings (noun) = a later concluding time period

    Synonyms: evening

    • Usage: it was the evening of the Roman Empire
  • evenings (noun) = the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way

    Synonyms: evening

    • Usage: an evening at the opera
  • evenings (verb) = make level or straight

    Synonyms: flush, level, even_out, even

    • Usage: level the ground
  • evenings (verb) = become even or more even

    Synonyms: even, even_out

    • Usage: even out the surface
  • evenings (verb) = make even or more even

    Synonyms: even, even_out

  • Other words to learn

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