Fabricate meaning in Hindi

Fabricate is a english word.

Fabricate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fabricate = बनाना

    • Usage: She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
  • fabricate = झूठी कहानी बनाना

    • Usage: They fabricated evidences to save their friend.

Fabricate Meaning in Detail

  • fabricate (verb) = put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; He manufactured a popular cereal"

    Synonyms: manufacture, fabricate, construct

    • Usage: the company fabricates plastic chairs
    • Usage: They manufacture small toys
  • fabricate (verb) = make up something artificial or untrue

    Synonyms: fabricate, manufacture, cook_up, make_up, invent

  • Other words to learn

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