Farce meaning in Hindi

Farce is a english word.

Farce Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • farce = स्वाँग

    • Usage: The play was a farce.

Farce Meaning in Detail

  • farce (noun) = a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations

    Synonyms: farce, farce_comedy, travesty

  • farce (noun) = mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs

    Synonyms: forcemeat, farce

  • farce (verb) = fill with a stuffing while cooking

    Synonyms: farce, stuff

    • Usage: Have you stuffed the turkey yet?
  • Other words to learn

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