Filibuster meaning in Hindi

Filibuster is a english word.

Filibuster Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • filibuster = कार्य में विलम्ब करवाना

    • Usage: The principal gave a filibuster speech to delay the work on new library building.
  • filibuster = कार्य में विलम्ब करवाने संबंधी

    • Usage: He always uses filibustering tactics to delay the work.

Filibuster Meaning in Detail

  • filibuster (noun) = a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes

    Synonyms: filibuster, filibusterer

  • filibuster (noun) = (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches

    Synonyms: filibuster

  • filibuster (verb) = obstruct deliberately by delaying

    Synonyms: filibuster

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