Fixated meaning in Hindi

Fixated is a english word.

Fixated Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fixated = नियम विपरीत

    • Usage: He is fixated on things which remind him of his father.

Fixated Meaning in Detail

  • fixated (verb) = attach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way

    Synonyms: fixate

    • Usage: He fixates on his mother, even at the age of 40
  • fixated (verb) = pay attention to exclusively and obsessively

    Synonyms: fixate

    • Usage: The media are fixating on Princess Diana's death
  • fixated (verb) = make fixed, stable or stationary

    Synonyms: fixate, fix

    • Usage: let's fix the picture to the frame
  • fixated (verb) = become fixed (on)

    Synonyms: fixate, settle_on

    • Usage: Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon
  • Other words to learn

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