Flashing meaning in Hindi

Flashing is a english word.

Flashing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flashing = अवरोध

    • Usage: Flashings are put up on buildings to prevent ingress of water through leaks.

Flashing Meaning in Detail

  • flashing (noun) = a short vivid experience

    Synonyms: flash, flashing

    • Usage: a flash of emotion swept over him
    • Usage: the flashings of pain were a warning
  • flashing (noun) = sheet metal shaped and attached to a roof for strength and weatherproofing

    Synonyms: flashing

  • flashing (verb) = gleam or glow intermittently

    Synonyms: flash, blink, wink, twinkle, winkle

    • Usage: The lights were flashing
  • flashing (verb) = appear briefly

    Synonyms: flash

    • Usage: The headlines flashed on the screen
  • flashing (verb) = display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously

    Synonyms: flaunt, flash, show_off, ostentate, swank

    • Usage: he showed off his new sports car
  • flashing (verb) = make known or cause to appear with great speed

    Synonyms: flash

    • Usage: The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts
  • flashing (verb) = run or move very quickly or hastily

    Synonyms: dart, dash, scoot, scud, flash, shoot

    • Usage: She dashed into the yard
  • flashing (verb) = expose or show briefly

    Synonyms: flash

    • Usage: he flashed a $100 bill
  • flashing (verb) = protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal

    Synonyms: flash

    • Usage: flash the roof
  • flashing (verb) = emit a brief burst of light

    Synonyms: flash

    • Usage: A shooting star flashed and was gone
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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