Fleck meaning in Hindi

Fleck is a english word.

Fleck Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fleck = चित्ती

    • Usage: There is a fleck of dust on your coat.
  • fleck = धब्बे डालना

    • Usage: While painting the house, he got flecked his clothes with paint.

Fleck Meaning in Detail

  • fleck (noun) = a small fragment of something broken off from the whole

    Synonyms: bit, chip, flake, fleck, scrap

    • Usage: a bit of rock caught him in the eye
  • fleck (noun) = a small contrasting part of something

    Synonyms: spot, speckle, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation

    • Usage: a bald spot
    • Usage: a leopard's spots
    • Usage: a patch of clouds
    • Usage: patches of thin ice
    • Usage: a fleck of red
  • fleck (verb) = make a spot or mark onto

    Synonyms: spot, fleck, blob, blot

    • Usage: The wine spotted the tablecloth
  • Other words to learn

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