Fledgeling meaning in Hindi

Fledgeling is a english word.

Fledgeling Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fledgeling = उड़ने को तैयार चिड़िया का बच्चा

    • Usage: The fledgelings of this bird are now strong enough to learn to fly.
  • fledgeling = अनुभवहीन

    • Usage: The fledging company could not survive forces of the market.

Fledgeling Meaning in Detail

  • fledgeling (noun) = any new participant in some activity

    Synonyms: newcomer, fledgling, fledgeling, starter, neophyte, freshman, newbie, entrant

  • fledgeling (noun) = young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying

    Synonyms: fledgling, fledgeling

  • fledgeling (adj) = (of a young bird) having acquired its flight feathers

    Synonyms: fledgling, fledgeling

    • Usage: a fledgling robin
  • Other words to learn

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