Flourish meaning in Hindi

Flourish is a english word.

Flourish Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flourish = सफल होना

    • Usage: His shop is flourishing in this neighbourhood.
  • flourish = स्वस्थ होना

    • Usage: His health is flourishing in this climate.
  • flourish = हिलाना या घुमाना

    • Usage: He flourished his pen at the audience to draw their attention on specific points.
  • flourish = अलंकरण

    • Usage: He does everything with a flourish.
  • flourish = सज-धज

    • Usage: The new hotel opened with a flourish.

Flourish Meaning in Detail

  • flourish (noun) = a showy gesture

    Synonyms: flourish

    • Usage: she entered with a great flourish
  • flourish (noun) = an ornamental embellishment in writing

    Synonyms: flourish

  • flourish (noun) = a display of ornamental speech or language

    Synonyms: flourish

  • flourish (noun) = the act of waving

    Synonyms: flourish, brandish

  • flourish (noun) = (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments

    Synonyms: flourish, fanfare, tucket

    • Usage: he entered to a flourish of trumpets
    • Usage: her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare
  • flourish (verb) = grow vigorously

    Synonyms: boom, thrive, flourish, expand

    • Usage: The deer population in this town is thriving
    • Usage: business is booming
  • flourish (verb) = make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance

    Synonyms: thrive, prosper, fly_high, flourish

    • Usage: The new student is thriving
  • flourish (verb) = move or swing back and forth

    Synonyms: brandish, flourish, wave

    • Usage: She waved her gun
  • Other words to learn

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