Fluid meaning in Hindi

Fluid is a english word.

Fluid Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fluid = द्रव पदार्थ

    • Usage: In diseases like dysentary there is a lot of fluid from the body which should be replenished to save life of patient.
  • fluid = तरल

    • Usage: Milk is a fluid substance.
  • fluid = लचीला

    • Usage: We have a fluid arrangement of work here.
    • Usage: She had a fluid grace in her dance.

Fluid Meaning in Detail

  • fluid (noun) = a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure

    Synonyms: fluid

  • fluid (noun) = continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas

    Synonyms: fluid

  • fluid (adj) = subject to change; variable

    Synonyms: fluid, unstable

    • Usage: a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty
    • Usage: everything was unstable following the coup
  • fluid (adj) = characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing shape

    Synonyms: fluid, runny

  • fluid (adj) = smooth and unconstrained in movement

    Synonyms: fluent, fluid, liquid, smooth

    • Usage: a long, smooth stride
    • Usage: the fluid motion of a cat
    • Usage: the liquid grace of a ballerina
  • fluid (adj) = in cash or easily convertible to cash

    Synonyms: fluid, liquid

    • Usage: liquid (or fluid) assets
  • fluid (adj) = affording change (especially in social status)

    Synonyms: fluid, mobile

    • Usage: Britain is not a truly fluid society
    • Usage: upwardly mobile
  • Other words to learn

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