Foam meaning in Hindi

Foam is a english word.

Foam Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • foam = झाग

    • Usage: During epileptical attack, lot of foam came out of her mouth.
  • foam = फोम

    • Usage: In place of cotton,foam is used to fill matresses to make them soft and long lasting.
  • foam = झाग निकलना

    • Usage: This soap foams a lot.

Foam Meaning in Detail

  • foam (noun) = a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid

    Synonyms: foam, froth

    • Usage: the beer had a thick head of foam
  • foam (noun) = a lightweight material in cellular form; made by introducing gas bubbles during manufacture

    Synonyms: foam

  • foam (verb) = become bubbly or frothy or foaming

    Synonyms: foam, froth, fizz, effervesce, sparkle, form_bubbles

    • Usage: The boiling soup was frothing
    • Usage: The river was foaming
    • Usage: Sparkling water
  • Other words to learn

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