Focussed meaning in Hindi

Focussed is a english word.

Focussed Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • focussed = साफ दिखना

    • Usage: As he regained consciousness, his eyes slowly got focussed on his friend standing in the room.

Focussed Meaning in Detail

  • focussed (verb) = direct one's attention on something

    Synonyms: concentrate, focus, center, centre, pore, rivet

    • Usage: Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies
  • focussed (verb) = cause to converge on or toward a central point

    Synonyms: focus

    • Usage: Focus the light on this image
  • focussed (verb) = bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions

    Synonyms: concenter, concentre, focalize, focalise, focus

  • focussed (verb) = become focussed or come into focus

    Synonyms: focus, focalize, focalise

    • Usage: The light focused
  • focussed (verb) = put (an image) into focus; we cannot enjoy the movie"

    Synonyms: focus, focalize, focalise, sharpen

    • Usage: Please focus the image
  • focussed (adj) = being in focus or brought into focus

    Synonyms: focused, focussed

  • focussed (adj) = (of light rays) converging on a point

    Synonyms: focused, focussed

    • Usage: focused light rays can set something afire
  • Other words to learn

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