Forceful meaning in Hindi

Forceful is a english word.

Forceful Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • forceful = जोरदार/ओजस्वी/प्रभावशाली

    • Usage: Mr.Prasad is a forceful speaker.
    • Usage: The lawyer with his forceful arguements could convince the judge about the
    • Usage: innocence of the accused.

Forceful Meaning in Detail

  • forceful (adj) = characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)

    Synonyms: forceful

    • Usage: a forceful speaker
    • Usage: a forceful personality
    • Usage: forceful measures
    • Usage: a forceful plan for peace
  • forceful (adj) = forceful and definite in expression or action

    Synonyms: emphatic, forceful

    • Usage: the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty
  • Other words to learn

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