Forget meaning in Hindi

Forget is a english word.

Forget Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • forget = भूल जाना

    • Usage: I forgot to bring my book.

Forget Meaning in Detail

  • forget (verb) = dismiss from the mind; stop remembering

    Synonyms: forget, bury

    • Usage: I tried to bury these unpleasant memories
  • forget (verb) = be unable to remember

    Synonyms: forget, block, blank_out, draw_a_blank

    • Usage: I'm drawing a blank
    • Usage: You are blocking the name of your first wife!
  • forget (verb) = forget to do something

    Synonyms: forget

    • Usage: Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!
  • forget (verb) = leave behind unintentionally

    Synonyms: forget, leave

    • Usage: I forgot my umbrella in the restaurant
    • Usage: I left my keys inside the car and locked the doors
  • Other words to learn

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