Foul meaning in Hindi

Foul is a english word.

Foul Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • foul = दूषित करना

    • Usage: Her reputation was fouled by him.
  • foul = उलझ जाना

    • Usage: My skipping rope got fouled in a net.
  • foul = बदबूदार

    • Usage: The open nallah emits foul smell.
  • foul = अभद्र

    • Usage: The movie was full of foul language.
  • foul = नियम विरुद्ध

    • Usage: He played a foul game and won the match.

Foul Meaning in Detail

  • foul (noun) = an act that violates the rules of a sport

    Synonyms: foul

  • foul (verb) = hit a foul ball

    Synonyms: foul

  • foul (verb) = make impure

    Synonyms: pollute, foul, contaminate

    • Usage: The industrial wastes polluted the lake
  • foul (verb) = become or cause to become obstructed

    Synonyms: clog, choke_off, clog_up, back_up, congest, choke, foul

    • Usage: The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
    • Usage: The water pipe is backed up
  • foul (verb) = commit a foul; break the rules

    Synonyms: foul

  • foul (verb) = spot, stain, or pollute

    Synonyms: foul, befoul, defile, maculate

    • Usage: The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it
  • foul (verb) = make unclean

    Synonyms: foul

    • Usage: foul the water
  • foul (verb) = become soiled and dirty

    Synonyms: foul

  • foul (adj) = highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust

    Synonyms: disgusting, disgustful, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellent, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky

    • Usage: a disgusting smell
    • Usage: distasteful language
    • Usage: a loathsome disease
    • Usage: the idea of eating meat is repellent to me
    • Usage: revolting food
    • Usage: a wicked stench
  • foul (adj) = offensively malodorous

    Synonyms: fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, noisome, smelly, stinking, ill-scented

    • Usage: a foul odor
    • Usage: the kitchen smelled really funky
  • foul (adj) = violating accepted standards or rules

    Synonyms: cheating, dirty, foul, unsporting, unsportsmanlike

    • Usage: a dirty fighter
    • Usage: used foul means to gain power
    • Usage: a nasty unsporting serve
    • Usage: fined for unsportsmanlike behavior
  • foul (adj) = (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines

    Synonyms: foul

  • foul (adj) = (of a manuscript) defaced with changes

    Synonyms: dirty, foul, marked-up

    • Usage: foul (or dirty) copy
  • foul (adj) = characterized by obscenity

    Synonyms: cruddy, filthy, foul, nasty, smutty

    • Usage: had a filthy mouth
    • Usage: foul language
    • Usage: smutty jokes
  • foul (adj) = disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter

    Synonyms: filthy, foul, nasty

    • Usage: as filthy as a pigsty
    • Usage: a foul pond
    • Usage: a nasty pigsty of a room
  • foul (adj) = especially of a ship's lines etc

    Synonyms: afoul, foul, fouled

    • Usage: with its sails afoul
    • Usage: a foul anchor
  • Other words to learn

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