Fricative meaning in Hindi

Fricative is a english word.

Fricative Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fricative = संघर्षी ध्वनि{ध्वनि विज्ञान}

    • Usage: There are nine fricatives in English.

Fricative Meaning in Detail

  • fricative (noun) = a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract

    Synonyms: fricative_consonant, fricative, spirant

  • fricative (adj) = of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')

    Synonyms: fricative, continuant, sibilant, spirant, strident

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