Fuel meaning in Hindi

Fuel is a english word.

Fuel Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fuel = ईंधन

    • Usage: Fuel is used for cooking.
  • fuel = ईंधन डालना

    • Usage: We must fuel [up] our car before a long trip.

Fuel Meaning in Detail

  • fuel (noun) = a substance that can be consumed to produce energy

    Synonyms: fuel

    • Usage: more fuel is needed during the winter months
    • Usage: they developed alternative fuels for aircraft
  • fuel (verb) = provide with a combustible substance that provides energy

    Synonyms: fuel

    • Usage: fuel aircraft, ships, and cars
  • fuel (verb) = provide with fuel

    Synonyms: fuel, fire

    • Usage: Oil fires the furnace
  • fuel (verb) = take in fuel, as of a ship

    Synonyms: fuel

    • Usage: The tanker fueled in Bahrain
  • fuel (verb) = stimulate

    Synonyms: fuel

    • Usage: fuel the debate on creationism
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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