Fur meaning in Hindi

Fur is a english word.

Fur Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fur = बाल{जानवरों की खाल पर मोटे व मुलायम बाल}

    • Usage: Sheep has fur.
  • fur = बीमारी में जिह्वा पर होने वाली तह

    • Usage: I find the food tasteless due to fur on my tongue.

Fur Meaning in Detail

  • fur (noun) = the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

    Synonyms: fur, pelt

  • fur (noun) = dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals (e.g., cat or seal or weasel)

    Synonyms: fur

  • fur (noun) = a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

    Synonyms: fur

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