Fuse meaning in Hindi

Fuse is a english word.

Fuse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fuse = पलीता

    • Usage: The police removed the fuse of the bomb to avoid explosion.
    • Usage: Fuse is used for using electricity safely.
  • fuse = गलना

    • Usage: All the lights have fused.
  • fuse = मिलाना

    • Usage: He is a composer who fuses carnatic music with western music.
    • Usage: The chemists can fuse two metals to make alloy.

Fuse Meaning in Detail

  • fuse (noun) = an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded

    Synonyms: fuse, electrical_fuse, safety_fuse

  • fuse (noun) = any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant

    Synonyms: fuse, fuze, fusee, fuzee, primer, priming

  • fuse (verb) = mix together different elements

    Synonyms: blend, flux, mix, conflate, commingle, immix, fuse, coalesce, meld, combine, merge

    • Usage: The colors blend well
  • fuse (verb) = become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat

    Synonyms: fuse

    • Usage: The substances fused at a very high temperature
  • fuse (verb) = equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse

    Synonyms: fuse

  • fuse (verb) = make liquid or plastic by heating

    Synonyms: fuse

    • Usage: The storm fused the electric mains
  • Other words to learn

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