Gelatin meaning in Hindi

Gelatin is a english word.

Gelatin Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gelatin = सरेस

    • Usage: Gelatin is used to make photographic film.

Gelatin Meaning in Detail

  • gelatin (noun) = a colorless water-soluble glutinous protein obtained from animal tissues such as bone and skin

    Synonyms: gelatin, gelatine

  • gelatin (noun) = an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods

    Synonyms: gelatin, jelly

  • gelatin (noun) = a thin translucent membrane used over stage lights for color effects

    Synonyms: gelatin, gel

  • Other words to learn

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