Gentile meaning in Hindi

Gentile is a english word.

Gentile Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gentile = यहुदी या गैर ईसाई

    • Usage: The Nazi Germany tortured the gentiles.
  • gentile = यहुदी या गैर ईसाई

    • Usage: The Nazi Germany tortured the gentiles.

Gentile Meaning in Detail

  • gentile (noun) = a person who does not acknowledge your god

    Synonyms: heathen, pagan, gentile, infidel

  • gentile (noun) = a person who is not a member of one's own religion; used in this sense by Mormons and Hindus

    Synonyms: gentile

  • gentile (noun) = a Christian as contrasted with a Jew

    Synonyms: gentile, non-Jew, goy

  • gentile (noun) = a Christian

    Synonyms: gentile

    • Usage: Christians refer to themselves as gentiles
  • gentile (adj) = belonging to or characteristic of non-Jewish peoples

    Synonyms: gentile

  • Other words to learn

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