Glittering meaning in Hindi

Glittering is a english word.

Glittering Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • glittering = चमकता हुआ

    • Usage: He gifted me a glittering pen on my birthday.
  • glittering = शानदार

    • Usage: The awards were given at a glittering ceremony in Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Glittering Meaning in Detail

  • glittering (verb) = be shiny, as if wet

    Synonyms: glitter, glisten, glint, gleam, shine

    • Usage: His eyes were glistening
  • glittering (adj) = having brief brilliant points or flashes of light

    Synonyms: aglitter, coruscant, fulgid, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, scintillant, scintillating, sparkly

    • Usage: bugle beads all aglitter
    • Usage: glinting eyes
    • Usage: glinting water
    • Usage: his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent
    • Usage: shop window full of glittering Christmas trees
    • Usage: glittery costume jewelry
    • Usage: scintillant mica
    • Usage: the scintillating stars
    • Usage: a dress with sparkly sequins
    • Usage: `glistering' is an archaic term
  • Other words to learn

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