Gloom meaning in Hindi

Gloom is a english word.

Gloom Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gloom = आंशिक अंधकार

    • Usage: I couldn't see in the gloom.
  • gloom = उदासी

    • Usage: People were in a state of gloom due to India's defeat in the world cup.
  • gloom = धुंधला करना

    • Usage: The rain has gloomed the prospect of any further play.

Gloom Meaning in Detail

  • gloom (noun) = a state of partial or total darkness

    Synonyms: gloom, somberness, sombreness

    • Usage: he struck a match to dispel the gloom
  • gloom (noun) = a feeling of melancholy apprehension

    Synonyms: gloom, gloominess, somberness, sombreness

  • gloom (noun) = an atmosphere of depression and melancholy

    Synonyms: gloom, gloominess, glumness

    • Usage: gloom pervaded the office
  • Other words to learn

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