Go off meaning in Hindi

Go off is a english word.

Go off Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • go off = चले जाना

    • Usage: He has gone off to London.
  • go off = विस्फोट होना

    • Usage: The bomb went off suddenly at a crowded market.

Go off Meaning in Detail

  • go off (verb) = run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along

    Synonyms: abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, run_off, go_off, make_off

    • Usage: The thief made off with our silver
    • Usage: the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe
  • go off (verb) = be discharged or activated

    Synonyms: go_off

    • Usage: the explosive devices went off
  • go off (verb) = go off or discharge

    Synonyms: fire, discharge, go_off

    • Usage: The gun fired
  • go off (verb) = stop running, functioning, or operating

    Synonyms: go_off

    • Usage: Our power went off during the hurricane
  • go off (verb) = happen in a particular manner

    Synonyms: go_off, come_off, go_over

    • Usage: how did your talk go over?
  • go off (verb) = burst inward

    Synonyms: implode, go_off

    • Usage: The bottle imploded
  • Other words to learn

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