Gown meaning in Hindi

Gown is a english word.

Gown Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gown = चोगा

    • Usage: She sleeps in a nightgown.

Gown Meaning in Detail

  • gown (noun) = a woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions

    Synonyms: gown

  • gown (noun) = the members of a university as distinguished from the other residents of the town in which the university is located

    Synonyms: gown

    • Usage: the relations between town and gown are always sensitive
  • gown (noun) = lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women

    Synonyms: nightgown, gown, nightie, night-robe, nightdress

  • gown (noun) = protective garment worn by surgeons during operations

    Synonyms: gown, surgical_gown, scrubs

  • gown (noun) = outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions

    Synonyms: gown, robe

  • gown (verb) = dress in a gown

    Synonyms: gown

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