Grinder meaning in Hindi

Grinder is a english word.

Grinder Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • grinder = पिसनहारा

    • Usage: Today's grinders have lots of facilities.

Grinder Meaning in Detail

  • grinder (noun) = a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States

    Synonyms: bomber, grinder, hero, hero_sandwich, hoagie, hoagy, Cuban_sandwich, Italian_sandwich, poor_boy, sub, submarine, submarine_sandwich, torpedo, wedge, zep

  • grinder (noun) = grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars

    Synonyms: molar, grinder

  • grinder (noun) = machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

    Synonyms: mill, grinder, milling_machinery

  • grinder (noun) = a machine tool that polishes metal

    Synonyms: grinder

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