Hack meaning in Hindi

Hack is a english word.

Hack Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hack = किराये का घोड़ा

    • Usage: Many pilgrims of Amarnath hire the hack for pilgrimage .
    • Usage: अमरनाथ जाने वाले कई तीर्थयात्री किराये के घोडे पर चढ़ कर यात्रा करते हैं.
  • hack = काटना

    • Usage: Environment is getting spoiled through hacking of trees .
    • Usage: वृक्षों को काटने से पर्यावरण खराब हो रहा है .

Hack Meaning in Detail

  • hack (noun) = one who works hard at boring tasks

    Synonyms: hack, drudge, hacker

  • hack (noun) = a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends

    Synonyms: machine_politician, ward-heeler, political_hack, hack

  • hack (noun) = a mediocre and disdained writer

    Synonyms: hack, hack_writer, literary_hack

  • hack (noun) = a tool (as a hoe or pick or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil

    Synonyms: hack

  • hack (noun) = a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

    Synonyms: cab, hack, taxi, taxicab

  • hack (noun) = an old or over-worked horse

    Synonyms: hack, jade, nag, plug

  • hack (noun) = a horse kept for hire

    Synonyms: hack

  • hack (noun) = a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.

    Synonyms: hack

  • hack (verb) = cut with a hacking tool

    Synonyms: chop, hack

  • hack (verb) = be able to manage or manage successfully

    Synonyms: hack, cut

    • Usage: I can't hack it anymore
    • Usage: she could not cut the long days in the office
  • hack (verb) = cut away

    Synonyms: hack

    • Usage: he hacked his way through the forest
  • hack (verb) = kick on the arms

    Synonyms: hack

  • hack (verb) = kick on the shins

    Synonyms: hack

  • hack (verb) = fix a computer program piecemeal until it works

    Synonyms: hack, hack_on

    • Usage: I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best
  • hack (verb) = significantly cut up a manuscript

    Synonyms: hack, cut_up

  • hack (verb) = cough spasmodically

    Synonyms: hack, whoop

    • Usage: The patient with emphysema is hacking all day
  • Other words to learn

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