Halal meaning in Hindi

Halal is a english word.

Halal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • halal = हलाल

    • Usage: Muslims consider eating halal very auspicious on the occasion of Bakra Id .
    • Usage: मुसलमान लोग बकरा ईद पर हलाल खाना शुभ समझते हैं .

Halal Meaning in Detail

  • halal (noun) = (Islam) meat from animals that have been slaughtered in the prescribed way according to the shariah

    Synonyms: halal

  • halal (adj) = proper or legitimate

    Synonyms: halal

    • Usage: the fund earns halal profits in full compliance with the Shari'a
  • halal (adj) = conforming to dietary laws

    Synonyms: halal

    • Usage: halal meat
    • Usage: a halal kitchen
  • Other words to learn

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