Half-moon meaning in Hindi

Half-moon is a english word.

Half-moon Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • half-moon = अर्ध-चन्द्र

    • Usage: Half-moon is seen on the day of Ashtami .
    • Usage: अष्टमी को अर्ध-चन्द्र दिखाई देता है.

Half-moon Meaning in Detail

  • half-moon (noun) = the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail

    Synonyms: half-moon, lunula, lunule

  • half-moon (noun) = the time at which the Moon is at first or last quarter when half its face is illuminated

    Synonyms: half-moon

  • Other words to learn

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