Hangover meaning in Hindi

Hangover is a english word.

Hangover Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hangover = अधिक मदिरापान के बाद सिरदर्द

    • Usage: She is suffering from a hangover .
    • Usage: वह अधिक मदिरापान के बाद सिरदर्द से पीड़ित है.

Hangover Meaning in Detail

  • hangover (noun) = disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)

    Synonyms: hangover, katzenjammer

  • hangover (noun) = an official who remains in office after his term

    Synonyms: holdover, hangover

  • hangover (noun) = something that has survived from the past

    Synonyms: hangover, holdover

    • Usage: a holdover from the sixties
    • Usage: hangovers from the 19th century
  • Other words to learn

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