Headquarters meaning in Hindi

Headquarters is a english word.

Headquarters Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • headquarters = मुख्यालय

    • Usage: Police headquarters are near my home .
    • Usage: पुलिस का मुख्यालय मेरे घर के पास है .

Headquarters Meaning in Detail

  • headquarters (noun) = (usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise

    Synonyms: headquarters, central_office, main_office, home_office, home_base

    • Usage: many companies have their headquarters in New York
  • headquarters (noun) = the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command

    Synonyms: headquarters, HQ, military_headquarters

    • Usage: the general's headquarters were a couple of large tents
  • headquarters (noun) = (plural) a military unit consisting of a commander and the headquarters staff

    Synonyms: headquarters

  • headquarters (verb) = provide with headquarters

    Synonyms: headquarter

    • Usage: the compnay is headquartered in New Jersey
  • Other words to learn

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