Hoard meaning in Hindi

Hoard is a english word.

Hoard Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hoard = खजाना गुप्त धन

    • Usage: किसान को अपने खेत में से 'hoard'(गुप्त धन)मिला.

Hoard Meaning in Detail

  • hoard (noun) = a secret store of valuables or money

    Synonyms: hoard, cache, stash

  • hoard (verb) = save up as for future use

    Synonyms: hoard, stash, cache, lay_away, hive_up, squirrel_away

  • hoard (verb) = get or gather together

    Synonyms: roll_up, collect, accumulate, pile_up, amass, compile, hoard

    • Usage: I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife
    • Usage: She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis
    • Usage: She rolled up a small fortune
  • Other words to learn

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