Illiterate meaning in Hindi

Illiterate is a english word.

Illiterate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • illiterate = अशिक्षित

    • Usage: Government has to take action to eliminate illiterate.

Illiterate Meaning in Detail

  • illiterate (noun) = a person unable to read

    Synonyms: illiterate, illiterate_person, nonreader

  • illiterate (adj) = not able to read or write

    Synonyms: illiterate

  • illiterate (adj) = uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field

    Synonyms: ignorant, illiterate

    • Usage: she is ignorant of quantum mechanics
    • Usage: he is musically illiterate
  • illiterate (adj) = lacking culture, especially in language and literature

    Synonyms: illiterate

  • Other words to learn

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