Illusion meaning in Hindi

Illusion is a english word.

Illusion Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • illusion = भ्रांति

    • Usage: She is under the illusion that he loves her.

Illusion Meaning in Detail

  • illusion (noun) = an erroneous mental representation

    Synonyms: illusion, semblance

  • illusion (noun) = something many people believe that is false

    Synonyms: illusion, fantasy, phantasy, fancy

    • Usage: they have the illusion that I am very wealthy
  • illusion (noun) = the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas

    Synonyms: delusion, illusion, head_game

  • illusion (noun) = an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers

    Synonyms: magic_trick, conjuring_trick, trick, magic, legerdemain, conjuration, thaumaturgy, illusion, deception

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