Incendiary meaning in Hindi

Incendiary is a english word.

Incendiary Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • incendiary = दाहक

    • Usage: AK 47 is an incendiary device.

Incendiary Meaning in Detail

  • incendiary (noun) = a criminal who illegally sets fire to property

    Synonyms: arsonist, incendiary, firebug

  • incendiary (noun) = a bomb that is designed to start fires; is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel)

    Synonyms: incendiary_bomb, incendiary, firebomb

  • incendiary (adj) = involving deliberate burning of property

    Synonyms: incendiary

    • Usage: an incendiary fire
  • incendiary (adj) = arousing to action or rebellion

    Synonyms: incendiary, incitive, inflammatory, instigative, rabble-rousing, seditious

  • incendiary (adj) = capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily

    Synonyms: incendiary

    • Usage: an incendiary agent
    • Usage: incendiary bombs
  • Other words to learn

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