Initiate meaning in Hindi

Initiate is a english word.

Initiate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • initiate = आरम्भ करना

    • Usage: The sutradhar initiates the sanskrit plays.
  • initiate = दीक्षा देना

    • Usage: He was initiated in the ceremony.
  • initiate = दीक्षित व्यक्ति

    • Usage: After ablutions the initiate started reciting vedas.
  • initiate = आरम्भ करना

    • Usage: Rajaram Mohan Roy initiated social reforms..

Initiate Meaning in Detail

  • initiate (noun) = someone new to a field or activity

    Synonyms: novice, beginner, tyro, tiro, initiate

  • initiate (noun) = someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field

    Synonyms: initiate, learned_person, pundit, savant

  • initiate (noun) = people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity

    Synonyms: initiate, enlightened

    • Usage: it is very familiar to the initiate
  • initiate (verb) = bring into being

    Synonyms: originate, initiate, start

    • Usage: He initiated a new program
    • Usage: Start a foundation
  • initiate (verb) = take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of

    Synonyms: initiate, pioneer

    • Usage: This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants
  • initiate (verb) = accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite

    Synonyms: initiate, induct

    • Usage: African men are initiated when they reach puberty
  • initiate (verb) = bring up a topic for discussion

    Synonyms: broach, initiate

  • initiate (verb) = set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for

    Synonyms: lead_up, initiate

    • Usage: Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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